The crazy, twisted story of a logo

Rome was not built in a day. Our logo was built in one (month). There’s been some talk about our website design and the logo. And we are glad you all liked it. We have spent a lot of time working on it and it feels good to see some appreciation.

Today, we give you an inside view of how our logo was designed chronologically. None of the earlier versions was perfect but we learnt from each one of them. Apart from the ones mentioned below, there were loads which were discussed, created and scrapped. But, for the sake of this discussion, we’d like to share just these few.

1. The Pacman lookalike

This was the first one we came up with. The idea was to resemble ‘fellas’ as some character. This looked cool to us especially since we could do a lot of avatars of it - like one wearing a headphone or a hat or even one which looked like a girl. But, the music element was missing. And of course it looked a bit too much like pacman which was the reason we eventually had to scrap it.

Key Takeaway: Avatars could work if done well with a unique, well conceptualised base character.

2. The elegant circle

Simplicity, minimalism and elegance were always at the top in our list of words we wanted to associate with our brand. We’ve been fans of clean design and this appealed a lot to our senses. But the restrictive little that could be done with this design led it to be passed over as well.

Key Takeaway: The green to blue gradient which could be seen in our website design. Typography, which was retained for the final logo.

3. The cliched music tones

This was an attempt to make a play on the initials M and F. The element of music was of course front and center but we wanted to go for something more subtle.

Key takeaway: Retain the element of music in the logo but make it more subtle.

4. Complicated headphone + moustache

For some reason, we were very impressed with that crazy #LikeaSir moustache and wanted to put in the design resembling ‘fellas’. The music element was there with the play on the name resembling the headphone. But, we felt it was a little tacky and hence scrapped it.

Key takeaway: The moustache was a good way to resemble ‘fellas’.

5. Giraffe + Elephant

This was the one on which we spent the most hours on. How could you say no to a cute little fat elephant hanging out with his buddy giraffe and listening to music :)

Endless hours in a coffee shop were spent making the elephant’s bum a little broader, giraffe’s neck taller and the tails together. It was hard to let go of this logo. But eventually, common sense prevailed and we scrapped this.

Key Takeaway: Nothing - this logo was perfect. *Sob Sob*

But seriously, don’t get too attached to your designs. You lose the sense of what’s right and what’s wrong.

6. The final one

The final version looked perfect to us - of course not at first. Lot of different versions were tried, eyes were inverted, mole was added, borders removed etc. But, as time went by - it started growing on us and we are so glad we decided to stick with it.